Manufacturing V-belts

Their main and only business is manufacturing Power Transmission Belts. Their factories use the latest in global belt manufacturing technology making them one of the largest manufacturers in the world. They are ISO9001 certified, and all factory production takes place in a clean atmosphere with extremely high quality and delivery standards. They are selective about their machinery and technology to continually provide you with the best belt quality and durability possible.

  • V-Belts, Timing Belts, Single & Double Notched Belts

  • Cogged Belts, EPDM X5 Energy Saving V-Belts & Timing Belts

  • 8 Stocking Warehouses Nationally

    Extremely High-Quality Products

    Bestorq proudly offers quality products which will increase your overall profit. They have become the fastest growing belt company in the country due to fast, accurate and friendly customer service.


    Cogged V-Belts

    Banded Wrapped Belts

    Wrapped V-Belts

    HTD Timing Belts

    Banded Cogged Belts

    Trapezoidal Timing Belts

    Twist & Lock Belts

    Explore Bestorq

    Our factories use the latest in global belt manufacturing technology making us one of the largest manufacturers in the world.